
Saturday, November 27, 2010


I like to bake pie. I'm great at it too. Seriously.
Nowadays, I feel like pie baking is not what it used to be. It used to be treasured and families had secret recipes passed down from generation to generation and a pie was treated like a miracle. Not anymore. Now anyone can buy some processed, tough-dough, food-colored pie at the supermarket.
But let me tell you something. That is not pie. A real pie takes time, effort, hard work and dedication. Trust me. I've baked a myriad of pies, and, it's not easy.
First off, you have to make the dough. It sound so simple and easy but it's damn hard. You have to freeze part of the butter you're using and refrigerate the other part. You have to put the flour, butter, water and apple vinegar in the food processor and process it a certain amount of times. The dough can't be too lumpy or thin or wispy, it has to be perfect, it has to be frozen, it needs to be baked with berries and custard and it needs to come out of that oven light, flaky and soft.
It's annoying as hell and it requires a lot of work. This is why I think pie baking has lost its glamour. People don't want to work for something great, they'll settle for something good, even something less than good. You can't do that to pie! It's an abomination! It's taking classic, latticed-up greatness and chucking it out the window. Who needs home baked pie when you can buy a processed load of sugar at the store?
Well, I need a home baked pie and I want a home baked pie and I'll get a home baked pie. I will bake and slave over that pie myself.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Studying is not overated.
And I tend to hear that a lot.
But, as someone who takes IB and AP classes, studying is a neccesity.
Don't go on thinking that I'm some sort of hermit who sits in the dark and studies and doesn't hang out with people, because, I'm (surprisingly) not like that.
I'm the dumb kid in the smart classes.
Apparently, getting a 90% on your essay isn't good enough.
It's fine with me.
I hope it's fine with UC Santa Cruz.
Anyways, without studying, I wouldn't be able to pass my classes.
And, it's good to have good study habits.
Which is why this entry is over and I'm now going to study for my IB Bio test.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lycidas: Best Work of Literature or Pain in the Ass?

Right now, I'm going to go with Pain in the freaking ass.
My English teacher says "write 1300 words on the importance of a mythological character in Lycidas."
Have you even read Lycidas?
It's a bit painful.
I will admit, I am impressed with the amount of hidden metaphors and meanings.
It's said to be the greatest work of literature in the world.
I decided to write my essay on Phoebus, more commonly know as Apollo.
He's all over that speaker who represents Milton when the speaker contemplates immortal fame.
And, being that Phoebus is the god of truth and prophecy (and a hell of a lot of other things)he tells that speaker not to worry because even the great Jove (god) will award him with eternal fame.
Way to go, Milton.
You got your freaking immortal fame.
Your precious Lycidas is now being immortalized by 22 other nerdy I.B. English students.