
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Several Weeks of Nothing

My blog posts ceased over the summer.
I am sorry.
The reasons are as follows:
I was working at a summer camp and the internet we had there was terribly slow, so, to write a blog post was painful and uber time consuming.
I didn't really want to be on my computer a lot since I was surrounded by such wonderful friends and creation.
I was not allowed to put pictures of campers online until I finished camp.
I just didn't have time.
However, now I am moved into a room in my sublet apartment in Santa Cruz taking BioStats and a lab. And I have a lot more time, internet and no rules on posting pictures of campers online.
Because of this...
I'll be able to go back to updating like normal.
Since I was the Craft Lady (yeah, that was my job) I made a lot of crafty thing-a-ma-jigs.
These include:
Chalk, spray paint art, hemp bracelets, inspiration cubes and more!
I need to look through my photos, I'm sure I have most of my crafts photographed, and if not, that gives me the perfect reason to make it again!
I'll try to get something DIYish back up on here soon!

Oh, and because I feel's a video on friendship from my favorite show, Adventure Time.


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