
Thursday, August 15, 2013

7 Thoughts on Making Your Life More Enjoyable.

I've been at the print studio all day and just got home.
Here's some thoughts on how to make your days better.

1) Eat what you want. This doesn't mean stop eating vegetable and fruits and balloon up to 546 pounds, but for goodness sakes, if I ever have to hear, "Well, I guess I can have one cookie since I've been good" I will puke in your face. If you want a damn cookie, go eat a damn cookie. Life's too short to not eat cookies. Or pie, for that matter.

2) If you find yourself complaining, think of 3 things your thankful for. I tend to get angry and then complain and really, I am super blessed with the life I have. So, it shouldn't be hard for me to think of three things I'm blessed with. And honestly, the fact that that's easy to do reminds me to shut the hell up, stop complaining and just be grateful.

3) Hug your friends. Seriously though, why do college aged people only seem to hug each other if they're drunk? Everyone needs human contact and to feel loved. Give a freaking hug. It's a win win for everyone.

4) Put away your damn phone. If we're in a group setting and it's a party or whatever, fine. If we're hanging out and your scrolling though instagram and facebook while we converse, well, why are we conversing? You obviously have better things to do than to be hanging out with me if you're going to sit on your phone the whole time.

5) Be kind. Is this really that far of a reach? It's easy to be mean, but it takes courage to be kind. Just like my mom used to (and still) said, "treat others the way you want to be treated."

6) Take care of people. Take care of your friends, family, co-workers, strangers, neighbors. Why does this seem like such a weird ideal in college? Sometimes I felt like the times I needed the most help and support were the times I had the least amount of friends. It's nerve wracking to care for someone who needs help, but it's important to remember that we all stumble, get sick, sad and stressed, and when we aren't in need and someone else is, we should be there for them. It seems so silly and cliche, but it's the freaking truth, man.

7) Love recklessly. No, really. Love your neighbor more than yourself. Love the person sitting next to you on the bus, your room mate who drives you crazy, the lady next door with ten thousand cats that poop all over your yard, the people you find hard to love. Remind yourself that no one deserves to unloved. Remind people that you love them. If you love someone, tell them. It doesn't have to be with words (although, "I love you" does often get the point across), but can be with action, too. Remind people they're important in your life. I'm totally guilty of not doing this enough and I don't think I ever can do this enough, but if any of these silly pointers to live by are worthy of taking away, it should probably be this one. Love is the most important thing you can ever give anyone, and when you love, love with reckless abandonment.

That's it.



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