
Thursday, August 1, 2013

T-time: The Most Fabulous Scoop Back T

Ok, ok. It's been forever again.
I took my typical summer hiatus without saying anything because I do what I want.
I know you all want to get DIY and punky, so here's a way to make a boring t-shirt better.
I came up with this idea before the UCSC Kresge Pride (way back in spring quarter..) because I felt like I needed a shirt as fabulous as pride and a boring, fading t-shirt wasn't going to cut it.
So, I decided to cut up my shirt.
And using some inspiration from a ridiculously expensive tank top I saw one day online (I'm talking like $80 ridiculous) and some inspiration from fabulousness, I came up with this lil' number.

The Scoop Back T-Shirt

Start with a t-shirt. Duh.

Cut off those sleeves!

After you cut off your sleeves, you're going to cut out your neckline. If you want to be OCD about it, mark how deep you want to cut it out. Or just go crazy and cut it sans measuring.

Marked it

Cut it. Realized I wanted more of a scoop.


Cut deeper. Because I'm bringing sexy back.

Next, flip your shirt over and determine how deep you want your back to be. I measured down, marked the center with a pin and then using a piece of paper, cut half an oval out and traced it for maximum equal symmetry. You're going to get a bit of fabric from that half oval that you cut out. Save it! You're going to need it next.

Half oval


Now that you've got your sexy scoop back and your oval, it's time to make the "straps". Poke 2 holes on each sleeve (4 holes total), one about 1/2 inch in from the scoop and about 1/2 inch down from the top of the sleeve, the other about 1 inch under the first hole and about a 1/2 inch away from the scoop. Then, take your oval, cut 2 long pieces of "string" from it and thread and criss cross it though the holes to create an "X". You can get fancy with the sewing machine and make it all nice and neat if you want, but I wanted to get to Pride ASAP, so I just tied mine around my holes.
Also if you want to go for the full raw edge look, cut the hem off the bottom. Now's as good of time as any.
Cut up oval and obtain t-string.


Measure close

Poke holes..

Criss cross and tie! (or be fancy and sew)

And..that's it! Pretty simple, eh?
After that, I went off to Pride to work on my tan because oh my goodness, my legs were so damn pasty!


Back! (Don't forget to wear your most sexy bra or bandeau. Or just go braless if you want)
Courtney and I had a great time and I got totally burnt. After the UCSC Pride, we attended the Santa Cruz Pride and then later the San Francisco Pride. And I wore my shirt to each one like a champ.
Oh, I also made a headband out of a scrap. You can do that, too, you know.

UCSC Pride!

San Francisco Pride! 
Cat Hat!
That's that.
If I can update on time, it'll be on Thursdays from now on.

Stay Classy.


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