
Monday, October 28, 2013

People Who Don't Get Enough Recognition

I am taking a study break to bring you this:
A thanks to 15 people who are so damn wonderful and don't even realize it.

The person who holds the door open for you because they see you carrying something heavy even though you're relatively far away.

That was a mouthful, but it's true. You have no idea how grateful I am when I'm walking up the steps to the library with my arms full of textbooks and as you're leaving, you see me there at the bottom of the stairs struggling and you wait for what would be a socially awkward amount of time to hold the door open for anyone, but you're feeling so dang nice and sweet Jesus, thank you for waiting and holding that door open for me.

The person who doesn't laugh at you when you crash on your bike/skateboard/rollerblades/whatever and genuinely asks if you are ok.

My pride may be hurt worse than my body, but thank you for actually caring about me. It gives me great comfort to know that if I ever truly injure myself badly in front of a group of people at least one of them will choose to help a sista (or brother) out instead of making me feel like a larger idiot than I already feel.

The car that waves along the pedestrians to cross.

Glad that I don't have to worry about being run over today. Thanks, friend!

The car that lets you merge in.

You're going to let me into this lane even though I messed up and didn't merge into it earlier when there were no cars around to stop me? You sir, are the best.

The employee who hands me my food in McHenry instead of leaving it on the counter. Or, to the stranger who hands my food from the counter to me. (UCSC Specific. Ha.)

I'm short. I cannot reach my delicious soup on top of the counter. When you hand it to me, you save me from a lot of potential embarrassment and disaster.

The housemate that hears me at the door and opens the door so I don't have to scrounge for my keys at the end of the day.

You were all curled up and comfy doing some late night studying and you got up and opened the door for me. Thank you so so much.

The person at the punk show who picks me up.

Some huge man child with a beard just kicked me in the face while crowd surfing and knocked me off balance and onto the floor. You just picked me up and saved me from an untimely death, thanks.

The bus driver who waits.

I just ran a marathon to get to this stop since I saw you heading this way, and you waited for me, kind bus driver, you waited for me.

The friend who offers you food.

You just spent $7 on that pile of delicious for yourself and you're going to let me have some?! Care to be my new BFFL?

When you go to dinner at a friends house and they remember your food allergy and/or dietary choice.

Being vegetarian is my own decision, but I appreciate the hell out of the fact that you ordered an entire cheese pizza amongst all the pepperonis just so I could eat at your party. (True story, btw)

 The friend who stops you from drinking too much and forces you to drink water.

I'm not hung over today and you're the reason? You're stupendous.

The Designated Driver.

Doing us all more than just a solid.

People who are extremely skilled in something you're a beginner in and instead of snubbing you, they help you become more skilled.

I suck at skating. The fact that you're giving me pointers at Derby instead of avoiding me on the other side of the snake run and snickering at me falling is a major upgrade and very much appreciated. Also, shout out to all the employees at Santa Cruz's Skate Works put up with all my skateboard questions and genuinely help me.

The friend who tutors you and remains your friend.

Now that you know how terrible I am at math, I'm surprised you still want to hang out with me. You got to see the not-so-beautiful pieces of me that emerge when I'm doing something I despise and you still helped me and we're still friends. Serious kudos, to you, dude! (Especially you, Mr. Vanover.)

The employees at any ice cream shop (and especially at the Penny Ice Creamery)

It's ice cream day. I want to try all the flavors. You let me try all the flavors with a smile on your face. You're awesome.

Ok. Back to studying,
Hope I remember everyone.
Stay classy.



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